Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Earning Money With Swagbucks

There are two things I spend time doing online... saving money (coupons, free samples) and making money. I do a lot of freelance writing, so at some point I'll post information about various places to do that for someone who's interested. But Swagbucks is another place you can earn money.

When you use the Swagbucks website to web browse or to make purchases, you earn SWAGbucks. With these, you can turn them into paypal cash (=real cash) or gift certificates to various places like or items from their store.

If you refer friends to the site, will give you matching Swagbucks for every Swagbuck they earn, up to 100. They are really easy to earn and I usually rack up a few per day just by using their search engine (which is a portal to a regular 'ol Google search). You can occasionally win quite a few, but usually it's less than five at a time. But, over time it can really add up and you have to do nothing other than use their search function.

Here's my referral link... I'd love it if you signed up to be my friend. :)
Search & Win

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